Common Issues that Deserve Orthotic Surrey Attention

Our feet, often ignored in the hustle and bustle of daily life, are only considered as a hero when they face any issue or hurt –because only then do we realize that our feet do so much for us. Just like the rest of our body, our feet also need some extra care, which usually happens when there is some sort of pain or something in our feet.

The ideal solution for your foot care are the Orthotics Surrey because they are professionals that can take the best care of your foot literally! But how do you know when to get in touch with an orthopedist? This guide is an answer to this question.

So, before further ado, let’s look at the issues requiring urgent orthopedist care.

6 Reasons Why You Should Get in Touch with Orthotics

Woes of Flat Feet:

Flat feet, also known as fallen arches (like fallen heroes), can be a common issue that can affect people of all ages.

It usually occurs when the arches of the feet collapse. And the U-shaped arch that generally makes the feet perfect becomes flat, leading to a lot of discomfort and pain. In such situations, orthotics can play an important role in providing your feet with the necessary help and support. Eventually, this will lead to better foot health and reduced pain.

Plantar Fasciitis Pains:

Plantar fasciitis is when the tissues get inflamed (the ones which connect the toes to heel bone), it can be a real pain in the…feet (what did you think we were going to say?) literally. Those sharp, stabbing sensations –like someone poking pins in your heel can make every step a challenge.

This is where orthotics come in, they can provide cushioning for your feet so that the body weight doesn’t strain the part where plantar fascia is occurring and so you can walk peacefully and confidently.

Bunions That Need Your Attention:

Bunions, those nasty bony protrusions at the end of the big toe, can be both a cosmetic concern and a source of discomfort (bunions seem like a funny word, but believe us, they aren’t funny when they affect your feet).

Orthotics can deal with bunions by distributing the pressure on feet overall. However, this can only provide temporary relief and solution as they won’t make the bunion disappear, but they can certainly make it more manageable.

Troubles of Achilles Tendonitis:

The Achilles tendon is necessary for activities like walking, running, and jumping –you can call them the shock resistance of your feet. However, they can become inflamed and hurt due to overuse or injury. If you invest in orthotics, then it will be a small price for the betterment of your feet because they can improve your feet’s mobility. And you will also get proper support for the vital tendons.

Morton’s Neuroma Nudges:

When the nerves between the toes become thick and easily irritated, then this condition causes severe pain and discomfort in the whole feet. This is a classic case of Morton’s Neuroma, and orthotics can help alleviate the pressure of the specific area (affected area) so that you don’t feel much pain and can move around comfortably. The tailored orthotics help can be the relief your feet want.

Over pronation and Under pronation:

How your feet roll inward (over pronation) or outward (under pronation) during walking or running can impact your overall foot health. It can also affect your posture, so it can’t be left untreated for long. You can get your hands on personalized orthotics which target the specific gait issue and also provide the needed support to align your feet properly. This will ensure that the injuries of improper pronation subside.


As we said before, our feet, just like the rest of the body, require care, and they should be treated with proper care more often than other parts because they carry us to places, and if anything happens to our feet, then we can lose that freedom of going to places on our own.

Every foot issue has its solution before it escalates and becomes incurable, and a lot of issues can be solved with the help of orthotics. So, ensure that you can take care of your feet as soon as it signals you about any issue.

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